Frozen food storage
Within the company, „Pantelic“ d.o.o. operates a modern refrigerator (frozen food storage). Storage is equipped for deep
freezing and storage of fruits, vegetables and meat . The capacity is 3000 tons cold storage, it has 4 compartments. Cooling mode is such that products can be stored at – 22 C.
Location of „Pantelic“ d.o.o. is in the area where some of the biggest producers of fruit in Serbia operating. Particularly significant presence manufacturer of raspberries, blackberries, plubms, apples and pears. Lately also very topical chokeberry. Cold storage for fruits and vegetables are specially designed, purpose is to preserve fruits and vegeta
bles as long as the unchanged quality
As meat is concerned, there is „Pantelic“ d.o.o. uses its own sources, primarily poultry meat products from our own farm
Storage period is different for different types of products.One of the main challenges in the food industry, effective control and elimination activities of bacteria. One of the strongest weapons in the fight against bacteria is cooling and freezing. When the temperature drops below the point where it begins to freeze, the growth of microorganisms strongly decreases. Deep freezing of the product further reduces the risk.